Who we are
Active Citizens Partnership is a Non Profit Organization with extensive experience to design and support programs that address contemporary social needs and protects and helps vulnerable groups at national and European level. With the assistance of the State and the European Union have developed measures to prevent and tackle social problems and to assist vulnerable groups. In order to provide high quality services develops and operates innovative activities relating to:
- Psychosocial support and counselling for immigrants, refugees, homeless, long-term unemployed, people with religious or cultural characteristics, etc.
- Counselling programs for long-term unemployed women and women threatened by unemployment to create individual action plans and business plans.
- Greek language program for refugees and immigrants and Greek Muslims and repatriated Greeks from ex USSR.
- Programs for young people with learning disabilities from minority groups.
- Training programmes and language programmes for immigrants, refugees, people with religious and cultural characteristics such as Rom people, Greek Muslims, homeless etc
- Programs to strengthen the capacity of access to employment for people affected by poverty and social exclusion.
- Technology enchanced training and counseling programs
Active Citizens Partnership is based on Sapes at the region of East Macedonia and Thrace and implements programs throughout Greece. We have also a registered office in Athens.
The areas of our expertise are:
Our team
Experts on Technology Enhanced Learning
Administrative staff
Sociologists, Psychologists and Human Scientists
Project and Finance Managers
IT experts