EXPERTISE, a new European initiative to exchange good practices for employment focused on young people
Organisations from 6 different countries will work together on this transnational project focused on providing interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for the labour market to young people.
From the 13th to the 16th of December of 2017 the first transnational meeting (M1) of EXPERTISE will take place. Two representatives of each partner country and partner organisation will meet in Logroño (Spain) in order to start with the exchange of good practices of this European project.
“EXPERTISE: Exchange of practices to educate, recognise and train inclusive skills for employment” is a 24-month strategic partnership at international level that will be implemented between the 01/09/2017 and the 31/08/2019 thanks to the support of the Key Action 2 of the European Commission and its Erasmus+ programme. Coordinated by the Paula Montal school of Logroño (Spain) in cooperation with ASPECT (Bulgaria), ACP (Greece), VsIEduplius (Lithuania), WSBiNoZ (Poland) and PROANDI (Portugal), this initiative aims to overcome the needs that trainers and educators of young people with fewer opportunities currently face to provide them those interpersonal skills and intrapersonal competences required to guarantee their social inclusion and facilitate their jump from the training and education field to the labour market. Thanks to an interactive work between education bodies, private training entities and non-profit organisations, EXPERTISE will allow to create a cooperation framework to make possible an exchange of good practices at European level related to the training of youth for employability but focused on the self-analysis and active empowerment of its beneficiaries. In order to make this possible, the project will carry out six transnational meetings (one on each partner country) with the objective of allowing their attendees to get to know the training programmes on employability of youth on risk of exclusion of the partner organisations, promote the interaction among their teams towards their professional development and discover their most successful methodologies on the mentioned field that will be replicated and tested afterwards by the staff and beneficiaries of all the project partners on their countries.
In order to follow the activities of this project online, you can join its Facebook page and get to know more about youth employability, social inclusion and transnational working at social level (https://www.facebook.com/expertiseproject/) or contact us
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